Progress Check

 Ideas: I want to illustrate the machine like operation of a brain. The organized inner design is like an engine running, while the outer chaos represents messy disorder. 

Processes: I used a string and needle to make the inner pattern, and larger cord to 

Materials: I used poster board to provide a clean, neat background, and neon cord to match the string.


  1. Good job John.
    If you decide to work on this as a final, you can recreate it by adding your own holes from the template on Styrofoam (which I think makes a cleaner hole than poster board but its up to you. You may need a large sewing machine needle to make the holes but maybe not)
    and then the "crafty" square would be gone. The image is really interesting with the chaos and orderly juxtaposition.
    As we talked about in class, you could do one in each color with different colors of cords (maybe with some of your boy scout's knots tied in eventually?, to the messy part: Like a circuit backing up or misfiring? blocked)
    And that could be 3 different pieces with 3 different patterns I gave you.
    Maybe the 4th could be similar to the pieces we looked at in Pinterest where all the colors come together.
    There are many sites with patterns you can download for free or I imagine there are workbooks on amazon that are cheap. Here is just one:

    I appreciate you adding materials, processes and ideas!

  2. Be sure to add words on your photo in markup to show the reader your thinking process on the photo itself. Like "Showing machine-like operation of a brain with organized inner design =engine running, outer chaos = messy disorder." or something.
    Maybe make a new mind map from here to branch out to your next pieces?
    (Maybe add a picture of the brain on your final as a background?)


  3. I look forward to seeing the finished piece!


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