Materials: Nylon rope, black paper Ideas: I want to show life and growth on a background of darkness. Processes: I separated strands from the rope and made it branch out in appropriate places.
Ideas: I want to have a second branch coming from the noose. This will be the opposite of death. A tree is life and growth. Processes: I plan to fray the rope and glue it down to paper. Materials: Rope, paper, glue.
Materials: I used the same rope that I used for the brain to show a clear connection. Processes: I tied a hangman’s noose, and placed it in a few spots. I intentionally took the photos from a high angle. Ideas: I wanted to show negative thinking by representing suicide with a noose.
Ideas: I want to show that the way we shape our brain and outlook shapes our life by forming rope into examples of cognitive functions. This piece shows that negative thinking can lead to suicidal thinking. Materials: Rope and black poster board Processes: Tying rope and photoshop